Friday, February 22, 2008

What's in a Name?

The pursuit of Peace. It's the name of my blog. Catchy, isn't it?

But what's the point? I mean seriously, what is the meaning behind the name? Several of my friends have blogs, and they all have rather catchy names. Besides being clever, they have meaning. My friend Susan's blog Bake me a Cake is in reference to her incredible talent for baking (or should I say sculpting?) the most amazing 3D cakes, as well as the nursery rhyme pat-a-cake...she has 3 small children at home. My long time internet friend Nic Howard named her blog The Life of a Scrap at Home Mum. And it's just that, a window into the life of an amazing and busy New Zealand mum who has become internationally renowned for her scrapbooking, most of which she does from home.

So what exactly do I mean by the Pursuit of Peace?

When I was 'building' this blog, it was very late at night. Or early in the morning. Depends on your perspective. I think the term "wee hours" is appropraite here. I asked myself what I wanted from this blog. Why even start one? Friends had been bloggin for years, I had considered it many times. A great way to stay in touch, to get my thoughts out, to avoid housework. Nah, I wasn't the blogging type. Blogs are just journals or diaries that you hope people will read. Kind of backwards. Besides, I'm great at starting things, not so hot at following through. Do I really need the world knowing that? I decided that I would give it a go. I have alot on my mind, alot going on in my life, and often I have no outlets for it. So even if it's just firing it off into cybersace, it could be kind of therapeutic. We'll give it a whirl. Besides, it's not like the blog-police are going to come knocking down my door if I stop writing...are they?

Back to the name. Apparently every blog needs one. And I can't quite put my finger on it, but I just didn't think "Tracy's Blog" was suitable. In hindsight I could have gone for the humourous, like "Blah Blah Blog", but although my writings, rumblings and rantings do tend to be a bit on the sarcastic and/or funny side, that's not what I was looking for. So what was I looking for? What did I want out of a blog name? What's in a name anyways? Maybe nothing. Maybe everything.

Some days this will be a weight loss blog, as I share about my struggles, successes, and thoughts on the road to losing 100 pounds. In the process of losing weight I am seeking (and finding!) self esteem, better health, and ultimately I am In Pursuit of Peace with my body.

Some days this will be a Christian blog, as I share about my struggles, successes and thoughts on my walk with the Lord. As I seek to know more of God and accept His will in my life, I am In Pursuit of Peace.

Some days this will be a Bipolar blog as I share about my struggles, successes and thoughts on the battle of living with Bipolar Disorder. This battle is both and internal and an external, and in that battle, I am daily In Pursuit of Peace.

Some days this will be a blah-blah-blog about everything and nothing. The ups and downs of motherhood, life and love and everything else. Even on those days I am In Pursuit of Peace.

The Pursuit of Peace. That's it. That's me. That's where I'm at. I'm in Pursuit of Peace.

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